Activities 2009-2016

- dairy development and farmers' organisation (Tanzania, 2016/17)
- speaker Innovation Workshop Greenhouse Farming in the Netherlands (2016) 
- keynote address (Brasil) on international experiences in extension for rural development (2015)  
- teach / co-organize course on foodsecurity & urbanisation (ongoing)
- studytours US-students (Purdue) on agriculture in low countries (2015/16)
- invited lecture animal production and the environment (2013 WCAP/China) 
- quickscans livestock development in West and East Africa (2013/14)
- adviser Group on System Design in Agriculture (Wageningen University)
- review use of crop residues
- invited lecture (Brasil) on European Livestock Production and Animal Welfare
- book on 10-Years Heifer-Nederland
- chairman seminars / workshops
- project identification and advice dairy development Philippines
- organization study tours and cultural trips in Western Europe
- pigs & animal welfare Argentina
- teaching course sustainable farming and system design
- authoring practical book rabbit keeping
- authoring practical booklet use of crop residues in agriculture
- farmers journal article on the origin and history of the Elstar apple
- preparing articles on Dutch heritage breeds (wheat, potatoes, cabbage, spelt)
- desk-study on feasibility of small vs. large scale pig production in China
- China's dairy chains, towards qualities for the future
- member thinktank of future of farming
- preparation of project proposals
- university development Nicaragua
- guestlectures (e.g.: learning by animals and people and applications in the 'real world', sustainable soil management, feeding of crop residues, paradigm changes in agricultural R&D, agriculture and climate change, dairy development, resilience in agriculture, etc.)
- invited lecture farming systems and livestock (Peradenya University; Sri Lanka)
- adviser urban agriculture and chain development (CARE Liberia)
- metropolitan agriculture in China and Ethiopia 
- international course on Agriculture and Climate Change (Philippines)
- dynamics in farming systems (chapter in book of IFSA)

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